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About the conference
The Maksimir Public Institution for the Management of Protected Areas of the City of Zagreb, in order to interest the public and present the principles and trends in nature conservation and management of protected areas, invites to the international conference City Windows in Nature.
Objective of the project City Windows in Nature – improvement of urban biodiversity and development of green infrastructure (Modernization II): The project activities envisage the establishment of visitor infrastructure and program activities in the area of Maksimir Park – the monument of park architecture and the significant landscape of Savica
Biodiversity protection in large cities, by preserving, revitalizing and creating a network of diverse habitats, is of great importance for nature protection and life quality improvement of the urban population. This project creates the preconditions for the establishment of a proactive and multifunctional network of green infrastructure, which develops and improves the system of sustainable nature management in the City of Zagreb. The project creates a new attractive visitor infrastructure by building and renovating 12 infrastructure facilities, which contributes to the development of a modern and integrated tourist offer in the City of Zagreb.
Urban biodiversity is the key to connecting people with nature and is a successful educational tool that awakens a sense of responsibility and the need to protect nature. This will be facilitated by five new thematic programs that include 18 educational programs and 16 newly developed interpretive contents. In order to ensure the greatest possible inclusion among visitors, 11 educational programs and most of the interpretation content will be adapted to people with sensory impairments.
Project implementation period: 01.10.2018. – 31.12.2021 .
Total value of the project: 34.916.730,32 kn
Sources of funding: European Union in the amount of 13.982.357,30 kn and the budget of the City of Zagreb
Organized as part of the City Windows in Nature – improving urban biodiversity and green infrastructure development the conference aims to ensure the exchange of knowledge and experience of experts and the public and an overview of the project. The submitted papers should cover areas of natural heritage conservation, green infrastructure, ecosystem services, landscape, landscape architecture, protected area management, urban biodiversity, spatial psychology, education and interpretation, visits to naturally valuable areas and the like.
The conference will be held 9th and 10th of September 2021. in Zagreb
The first day of the conference, Thursday, September 9, 2021, is reserved for professional lectures in Kraš Auditorium, Ravnice 48, and the second day of the conference, Friday, September 10, 2021, a tour of the protected areas of Maksimir Park and the significant landscape of Savica was organized.
In addition to the public institution Maksimir, the partners in the implementation of the project are the City of Zagreb, the association BIOM, the association Vjetar u Leđa, the Croatian Association of Deafblind People Dodir and the Zagreb Zoo.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within the program Promoting Sustainable Development of Natural Heritage.
The Maksimir Public Institution for the Management of Protected Areas of the City of Zagreb in order to interest the public and present the principles and trends in nature conservation and management of protected areas, invites to the international conference City Windows in Nature.
The conference will be held on 9th and 10th, 2021 in Zagreb, KRAŠ Auditorium, Ravnice 48.
Organized as part of the project City Windows in Nature – improving urban biodiversity and green infrastructure development, and co-funded by EU funds, the conference aims to ensure the exchange of knowledge and experience of experts and the public and an overview of the project. The submitted papers should cover areas of natural heritage conservation, green infrastructure, ecosystem services, landscape, landscape architecture, protected area management, urban biodiversity, spatial psychology, education and interpretation, visits to naturally valuable areas and the like. A tour of the protected areas of Maksimir Park and the Significant Landscape of Savica is organized on the second day of the conference.
Due to the limited number of participants at the conference location, participants will also be able to join the conference online (via video conference).
Registration fee: Participants do not pay the registration. Lunch, refreshments during the break and materials for the conference will be provided to the participants at the conference location, along with the transport from Maksimir Park to the significant landscape of Savica and back on the second day of the conference.
All parties interested are invited to present the results of their research or an overview of the topic through oral or poster presentations. The final program, adjusted to the number of submissions received, will be published on a later date, and abstracts will be printed in the Collection of Abstracts.
Application form for participation in the international conference “City Windows in Nature”
Participation in the conference is free and includes:
- Participation in all lectures and presentations held in the conference hall on of September
- A tour of the protected areas of Maksimir Park and the Savica significant landscape on 10th of September
- Online access to the conference
- Collection of Abstracts
- Complete catering service
Instructions to authors/exhibitors
- Oral presentation or presentation by poster
- The presentation shows the results of your research or an overview of the topic covered
- The final program adjusted to the number of announcements received will be published on a later date
- Press release abstracts will be printed in the Compilation of Abstracts
Instructions for writing an abstract
Abstracts must be written in both Croatian and English language (MS Word document), page format A4, margins 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman, size 12 points, single line spacing. Parts of the abstract are following: title; name and surname of one or more authors; name and address of the institution; author’s email contact; text abstract and keywords. Author’s affiliation to several institutions should be marked with different numbers in the exponent after the surname.
The abstract can have a maximum of 300 words. The abstract should describe the objective of the paper, the main results and a brief conclusion. It is necessary to indicate the desired form of communication at the end of the abstract: oral or by poster. – The abstract should be submitted to the following email address: or online, by the press of the button below.
– The deadline for submission of abstracts is August 16 th, 2021. .. The proposals received will be reviewed by an expert committee, which will inform the participants about the selected works by August 21 st, 2021.
Instructions for research poster presentation
An excellent opportunity to present relevant research, as well as projects that have academic and / or practical value. The organizer will provide exhibition space; however, printing and setting-up on the day of the conference is up to the exhibitors.
Please ad here to the following design guidelines when making posters:
Poster format: 90 cm x 120 cm (width by height, portrait orientation);
Readability from a distance of 1.5 m;
Pdf version of posters for upload (optional).
During the conference posters will be displayed in a way to ensure maximum visibility, thus allowing the discussion of research and / or projects outside of the official Poster sessions.
The poster should be submitted to the following email address: or online, by the press of the button below.
Maksimir Park is located in the northeastern part of the central city area, only a 15-minute drive from the main city square.
The significant landscape of Savica (Savica lakes) is located in the eastern part of the city, along the Sava River.
Conference map
*map taken from

Maksimir Park
*map taken from

The significant landscape of Savica
*map taken from

Public transportation
Maksimir Park and Kraš Auditorium can be reached by tram lines number 4, 5, 7, 11 and 12.
The significant landscape of Savica can be reached by tram lines number 2 and 3.
*original map of Zagreb public transport taken from:

We recommend booking accommodation nearby:
- Kraš Auditorium, Ravnice 48
- Maksimir Park
- Dinamovo stadium
- Clinical Hospital Centre „Rebro“
- Ravnice area
*The listed hotels and hostels are exclusively optional proposals by the conference organizers. Each participant agrees to the conditions independently, regardless of the organizer.
Notice to authors of oral presentations
Dear colleagues,
we would like to inform you that you will have 15 minutes at your disposition for the presentation, followed by the time of 5 minutes available for questions after the presentation. Please adhere to the time limits.
We kindly ask you to bring the presentation on an USB stick at least 15 minutes before your presentation and hand it over in the hall where your presentation will take place.
We wish you a successful preparation!
Program-organizing committee
Notice to poster authors
Dear colleagues,
we kindly ask you to set up the poster of your work on September the 9th, 2021. no later than 9:00 a.m., and to take it down at the end of the same day, no later than 7:00 p.m.
The materials needed to set up the poster will be provided by the organizers.
On September the 9th, 2021. we kindly ask you to be in the vicinity of your poster during the periods provided for refreshment in order to be at the disposition of other conference participants and available to answer the questions regarding your work.
We wish you a successful preparation!
Program-organizing committee
Notice of the conference held 9.-10.9.2021.
Maksimirski perivoj 1